  • Head Office, KKG Educational Corporation
  • Japanese Language@School
  • College of Foreign Languages
  • Center for Foreign Language and Culture
  • @Jitsuyo Nihongo @Language School

Top Message from
Board Members 
of the School 
Curriculum Overseas
Affiliated Schools
Message from Yasuko Hakamada, Principal
  @@I became principal in June 2002. At that time, Japanese language shools were not so common, and foreigners were still regarded as little more than curiousity by local people. In 1991 the KKG school premises moved to the present location, which helped expansion of the school and improved the teaching environment for foreign students. Since its establishment, KKG has been filled with the energy of students who think ahead constructively to a postitive future.
Yasuko Hakamada
@@Foreign students facing various problems have adopted characteristics that some Japanese are losing: viability, endurance, nobility to keep one's identity and pride, kindness to help friends, strength to face reality, flexibility to co-exist in various ways, courage to challenge the unknown, etc. Perhaps those characteristics and abilities, as well as Japanese proficiency, are essential to help students to get over any problems in their lives. Providing students with academic and mental support, faculty members are trying hard to create the best environment for students to concentrate on their education. As a result, KKG has gained a reputation as a school which provides proper care for students and supports intercultural activities.
@@Since its establishment, KKG has been focusing on "uniqueness" in intercultural activities among school sponsors, local residents, and students. Bearing in mind the ever-changing global situation, we are aware of our role in the local community, which is not simply to educate foreign students but also to provide them with more information and contact with local resients and help them widen their outlook.
@@I hope that foreign students can build a warm and genuine relationship with Japanese people in addition to accomplishing their academic goals. KKG is not only a pre-college institution but also a provider of the Japanese way of life and culture to foreign students who, as a result, would undesrtand and respect Japan more. It is also hoped that we could nurture young students to work inside and outside Japan. Furthermore, all of us at KKG will certainly continue to provide the best education in order to help our foreign students live happily and contentedly in a foreign country.